Benefits of Being an Affiliate Are you looking to unlock the door to the real estate industry? Look no further than the Odessa Board of REALTORS®. By becoming an Affiliate member, you can access endless opportunities in the industry. As an Affiliate member, you belong to an industry that services or supplies the REALTOR®. Joining the Odessa Board of REALTORS® can secure your P&L sheet and act as a form of business insurance. In the real estate industry, a REALTOR® and its associates are inseparable teammates. As an affiliate, you are to a REALTOR® what risers and banisters are to a staircase - support and reinforcement. The strength of the real estate industry is an accurate barometer of the economy's health. Membership in the Odessa Board of REALTORS® can make doing business easier and more profitable. As a member, you'll have access to a built-in congenial source of business leads and prospects through REALTORS®, their clients, and other people they encounter. To be a winner, you need to get involved. Lend your special talents and personality to the Odessa Board of REALTORS® activities. Participate actively in membership meetings, speak up, and volunteer to serve with projects on committees and programs. As a member of the Odessa Board of REALTORS®, you'll have legislative clout. You'll also have access to the latest real estate news tips, sold properties, newcomers, housing needs, legislative pitfalls, and political responsibility. By joining the Odessa Board of REALTORS®, you'll have access to state and national associations that give you the opportunity for even greater exposure to your REALTOR® and affiliate colleagues. You'll also have access to the Texas REALTOR® magazine and the monthly local newsletter, which will inform you of the industry's latest changes and the local schedule of events and meetings. Affiliate membership means a great deal to the REALTORS® association. You'll find ample opportunity to socialize at the many events sponsored by the Odessa Board of REALTORS® - a great way to get to know your colleagues under relaxed conditions. Join now and see for yourself how the Odessa Board of REALTORS® is your key to prosperity.